A 11. évfolyamos Angol nyelvű irodalom és kultúra fakultációra járó diákok részt vettek a Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar próbáján, ahol részt vett Alina Ibragimova hegedűművész és Robin Ticciati karmester is.
On October, 5th 2022 we LLCE 11th grade students Flora, Lili, Viktoria, Elber, Liza, Milan, Chloe, Laura, Agnes, Lola, Clément and Mr. Chiquet were invited by the Budapest Festival Orchestra to attend a rehearsal with two important figures of the musical world : violinist Alina Ibragimova and conductor Robin Ticciati. It was a great opportunity for us to see how the conductor interacts with the musicians, how the performance the audience will listen to in the concert hall is built up from scratch. What we also found very inspirational was how much all these great artists came together and how much they were able to create a united force. What also struck our attention was the similarity between conducting musicians and teaching students. The atmosphere was really friendly, the musicians gave the impression they were having fun while working, they really loved what they were doing and they paid great attention to the conductor’s advice and remarks.
After the rehearsal, we were priviledged enough to interview Mr. Ticciati. First, he was so very passionate about his job and his life. He was humble and seemed to be genuinely happy to be with us. He always took the time to think about his answers before voicing them, his answers being very personal and detailed. We would definitely like to renew this experience in the future.
Finally, we would like to thank all the people from the Budapest Festival Orchestra and in our school for having made this moment possible.